Be Like Water

Be Like Water

When I was born, I shared the water on this planet with just over 3 billion people.  Today, I’m sharing it with 7.7 billion and growing — at a rate of 85 million people per year — and it’s a safe bet that each and every one of those people are thirsty.

The average human can only last about three to four days without water.  Water provides all the systems of the body with the power it needs to hydrate, refuel, detox and thrive.  Somewhere between 60-70% of our bodies are made up of water. Several billion years ago, a few single-celled organism started focus groups, formed bonds, discussed logistics, and eventually crawled their way out of the primordial soup.  At one time, oceans covered the planet.  At one time, dinosaurs roamed the earth.  We’ve come a long way since then, but we’re still drinking the same water the dinosaurs did.  When scientist search for new planets to live on, they look for water first because without water, we’re toast.  

Bottled water is big business but it doesn’t necessarily benefit the commons.  Water companies blithely pull billions of gallons of water from underground aquifers — water that belongs to all of us — then put it in bottles and sell it back to us with no value added.  The product wasn’t altered or added to, just bottled, yet they sell it to us for upwards of $10/gal.   (As opposed to Guinness which has tremendous value added!)

Wait, what?  Doesn’t it come out of the tap for pennies on that dollar?  If you asked water what it wanted, I suspect it would want us all to reclaim the commons rather than let a few large companies make money off the rest of us on a substance that belongs to all of us.

The Kabbalah, a Jewish mystical/metaphysical interpretation of the Bible, teaches that water is the light of God made manifest on the physical plane.  If true, that means water has some serious mojo.  The ancient Kabbalists performed a water ceremony, called a mikvah, at a stream or spring as a way to purify the individual.  Kabbalists believed pure water — a physical mirror to the soul — could cure all ills, but that years of wars, pestilence, pesticides, and not being very nice to each other has dimmed water’s light and left it much less effectual.  

The Catholics pour water over a baby’s forehead while baptizing the infant in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, a very powerful prayer that welcomes the child into the Catholic faith.  The night before he died, Jesus washed the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper, purifying them so they could carry on with that work after he was gone.  Many religions perform ritual washings and ablutions on the living and the dead to free them from both physical and spiritual uncleanliness.  You see the metaphysics at work here, right?  As a spiritual and religious aid, water is universal and necessary.   

That means we have a problem:  by 2030, one-third of the billions of people on the planet will not have access to clean drinking water; by 2040, we’ll have just over 9 billion people and the constant struggle of agriculture vs. energy needs vs. personal water usage will create dire water shortages for the planet; and if we don’t fix the broken system, by 2050, it could be game over.


So what to do?  Rather than say “the problem is too big; there is nothing I can do,” say, “We can be like water.”  By aligning ourselves with the essence that is water, you change the game.  Water is fluid.  Water is cleansing.  Water is buoyant, and intuitive, and multi-dimensional.  Water is ubiquitous.  Water is life.  Water knows how to heal itself and, intrinsically, you do, too.

Today, meditate on the blessings of something seemingly so bountiful, yet so at risk, and decide on what steps you might take to ensure it remains here — in good standing — for many generations to come.  Maybe start by buying a reusable water bottle.

Today is Day 23 of the #AtoZ blog challenge and like water on planet earth, I am all over this!

AND because I’m nothing if not efficient, consider this my entry for the last Friday of the month, the We Are the World Blogfest, #WATWB, because sometimes you just need to double dip.

I’ve skipped all the instructions for #WATWB, but you’re a clever bunch and can surely remember how it all works.  And while the articles I’ve cited are not the usual feel good variety, the are informative and useful, considering, and forewarned is forearmed.

A great weekend to you.

pamlazos 4.26.19

About Pam Lazos

writer, blogger, environmentally hopeful
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21 Responses to Be Like Water

  1. Your post reminds me of a movie I saw, a Chinese movie–Ocean Water, I think? That explored the power of water on the soul. It captures sunlight and moonlight in a way our meager hands never can. A powerful post, my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ronel Janse van Vuuren says:

    Great post! We’ve already had a water shortage here in South Africa — some places worse than others — and I have this feeling (let’s call it “energy” instead of “anger” because it wants to turn to violence) when I see people wasting water.

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Most Amazing

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Peter Nena says:

    Powerful message in this post. No water, no life. Biblically, before they created life they had to make sure there was plenty of water. All the gold or plutonium or money in the universe wouldn’t make life possible if there were no water. That’s funny considering our condition on earth where 8 million litres of water are used per day to make beer?!
    Thank you for this post. It is both educative and saddening as well.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Susan Scott says:

    Re-reading it and enjoying it more 2nd time around. Way to go Pam highlighting the preciousness of water. My sister tells the story of maybe 50 years ago of our father saying the next war would be about water…

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Ken Dowell says:

    Yesterday I was in a small chocolate-making shop in Ireland. The woman who owns it had a really interesting plumbing setup to conserve water that I had never seen before. The water that drains from her dishwater is passed through a filter and then becomes the water used to flush the toilet in the store. It’s a little discolored but you’re going to discolor it anyway, right?

    Liked by 7 people

    • Pam Lazos says:

      First, yay for you, Ken, being away in Ireland.
      And yes, great set up. In the industry they call that grey water and we are going to need to look at ways we can reincorporate it into our daily use here in the states if we’re ever going to keep up with demand. Sounds like her system was homemade.
      Have fun in Ireland 🇮🇪 and all. 😍

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Robyn Haynes says:

    A lovely thought provoking post, Pam. How under-valued water is.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. KDKH says:

    I met some wild, multidimensional, sacred spring water once in Arkansas; I have never found any like it since. It was magical-feeling. I wish our tap water had half as much juju! Had I never experienced that, I might have related to your post less. But I have, and I do relate. I intend to be more like water and to program the water within me to be happy and healthy!

    Liked by 4 people

  8. TanGental says:

    Most enjoyable Pam. And yes, water may be everywhere but we need to cherish it if we are not to of the way of the Ancient Mariner.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Terrific post and a powerful reminder of just how important water and our supply of it are. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

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